Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Special Day

Special Guest Blogger today!

Friday, January 22, 2010 was the best night! It was a great way to start the new year and look good! Ad and I got all dressed up, curled our hair, and went out for our first annual birthday dinner. Mark came over and took some unbelievable pictures of us! Afterwards, we went to go get pedicures and ate at YaYa's. The food was excellent, but expensive. Our Uncle Timmy at the Capital Hotel made Ad a Bellintini and I had a chocolate milkshake. The night couldn't have ended better than pajamas and a great movie. Our new tradition couldn't be more perfect than this!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Long time no see

Wow! Has it really been almost two years since my last post? Talk about forgetten blogs. This would continue to be forgotten if not for a text I got tonite asking about the photo clip of Colby. I had to remember link, password, and where was this thing. Unfortunately it wasn't working. Researching to see what has happened to it.

So much has changed in the past two years. Still rehabbing my leg from the accident, mostly muscles in the knee area. I have made some great new friends, personal and photography wise. Lost a few along the way. All in the course of life.

Still have the jeep and loving it. A few travels to Key West, New Orleans and around the state. Started some photo projects that have been pushed aside for other life projects.

I am now a Windows Server Admin for UALR moving from the Ottenheimer Library in 2008. It is refreshing and troublesome at the same time to be working on such a large scale.

Now that I have rediscovered the blog I hope to add this to the other outlets available to us all. Mainly Facebook. If you are on the FB go find my fan page under Mark Pace Photography, become a friend. You will find specials there much quicker.

I have some interesting projects I hope to complete in the coming months. Stay tuned!

The photo above was from the last shoot I did in 2009. Ashleigh's birthday session. She was a joy to work with. I think she had more fun than I did!

Welcome to 2010, let's make the most of it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

2007 JK Wrangler

Since I no longer have my motorcycle I decided to go back to Wranglers. This is my fifth Jeep. It's a Red Rock Crystal 2007 4 Door Wrangler. Jeep has made a lot of improvements over my last TJ. This one is more like a regular truck but convertible. Now if I can just get the weather to cooperate!

Processed in Adobe Lightroom only.

Monday, February 11, 2008



Break something? Surgery? Need therapy? You have go to go to Baptist Health. Today was my last day for therapy on my broken leg. Coral did a great job inflicting Pain and Torture on me the past couple of months. So to thank her she got a 30 second photoshoot while the medicine was being electrically stimulated into my knee.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Jeff just shaved his head and was going to shave his beard. I thought he looked like the guy from Shaft and told him he needed a photo before losing the beard. This was a 5 min session in a parking lot. He was pretty apprehensive about the surroundings and very surprised with the results.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pellet Gun at Cornerstone

I'm including another band on this blog, not because I went to see them, although I was on my way. This photo was taken by Daniel Trimble. When I saw it I knew I had to share it here. Most of my readers are heavy into Adobe Photoshop, and the cool creative things you can do with it. Well, Dan is not one of those!! He did invest heavily to be able to get a photo like this, more than what you are willing to shell out I am sure. You might be willing to acquire the main piece of equipment, but won't want to purposely modify it the way Daniel has modified his. Why? Well, this was taken with an iPhone, more specifically, one that has been dropped numerous times. The modification? His lens can now be "fiddled" with. Move it this way, things are ok, move it that way, get some cool creative results without the need for photoshop!!

Pellet Gun MySpace page

Daniel's MySpace page with more photos

Monday, January 14, 2008

Vince Martini and the Highballs

Vince Martini-9

From Vince:
Vince Martini and the Highballs are here and ready to shake the timbers for those who do do the late night scene. Hopefully, our debut performance on Wednesday, January 9th was indicative of what we plan to do on a regular basis -- throw so much variety at our clamoring crowds that they shake their heads in submission and let out a healthy primal scream - "Go daddy go!"

Opening up for the tightest surf trio this side of either coast (The Reverburritos), Vince Martini and the Highballs gave the crowd of friends and supporters a octane dose of rockabilly, psycho-billy, swamp rock, swing and honky tonk, peppered with an occasional slow shuffle and a lounge nugget or two. Throughout our debut set, the band even unveiled a few original gems, to the delight of a great, appreciative audience. Either these cats in the crowd were just stroking our egos or they actually bought into our full fledged dog and pony show. Either way, our shirts were off and we were working overtime to get these folks hoping!